
The Valley Ladies

For the glory of God, we exist to equip women with gospel-centered resources, connect them into a supportive community of sisterhood, and encourage them in every life season.

Men's Ministry

At The Valley, we love to create opportunities for our men to build each other up through fellowship and life-on-life experiences. We do this through occasional events, projects, and a monthly Bible study group.

Children's Ministry

Where kids will learn about God in a safe, age-appropriate and exciting way. They will learn through stories, songs, and crafts. God is exciting and we want your kids to learn that! 

Valley Groups

Our Discussion and Connection groups meet throughout the week in various parts of the city. No matter which group you join, we provide an accepting, loving, warm small group for everybody. So come and experience community, together. 


Matthew 28:19

At The Valley Church we take seriously our responsibility for missions. The last words of Jesus to His disciples before He ascended into Heaven was “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We believe this responsibility is also ours.

We teach our responsibility to be ON MISSION for Christ in our homes, at work and in our community. In addition, we support several foreign missionaries working abroad in monthly financial partnerships.

We also participate in local mission projects and plan to continue to help plant churches throughout our city and country.

Active Missionaries

Matt & Sherina Wiese

The Wiese family is currently located in Southeast Asia. They are becoming involved in a local congregation of believers in this initial stage before they move to their ultimate destination where they will seek to share the gospel with a remote tribe. The Valley began a partnership with the Wiese in 2022.